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HCV - In The News
August 15, 2003

Hepatitis C is unconscionably under-funded and this deplorable state of affairs demands an immediate remedy!!!

Lets look at some facts:

In the USA alone 4.5 million are infected with Hepatitis C,  with 700 thousand with HIV.   There are 230,000 diagnosed annually with the Hepatitis C virus -40,000 diagnosed annually with HIV.

Numbers who will die world wide!!  80 million from Hepatitis C,  20 million from HIV.   BUT YET A  $10 BILLION budget for HIV/AIDS programs in 1999 while the current year's budget is $30.4 million for Hepatitis C programs.  This averages out at 3,289 times more funding for HIV/AIDS than Hepatitis C.

The National Institute of Health budget allocates $169 million for Arthritis  AND YET 30.4 MILLION FOR HEPATITIS C .  the cost of treating HVC far outweighs the costs of treating diabetes.  Children are affected by HCV virus.    COME ON!

In a speech before the United Nations on January 10, 2000, Vice President Al Gore announced. "that the Administration's Fiscal year 2001 budget (will) include a new $150 million investment to assist efforts to combat the international AIDS. " This addition brings the total to 342 million annually spent by the USA on HIV prevention and AIDS treatment around the world. AND YET 30.4 MILLION FOR HEPATITIS C.  A lopsided picture?  Yes it is and it is alarming as 70% are as of yet undiagnosed for HCV.

Representative Sherrod Brown from Ohio on January 12, 2000, announced a, "proposal to invest 100 million in international TB control programs next year."   He went on to say, "In this time of expanding global commerce and increasing over-sea's tourism, we are at greater risk than ever for contracting and spreading tuberculosis. TB is a killer that knows no national boundaries, and we are all at risk until TB is controlled-everywhere.   It's simply common sense to invest in international prevention and treatment." Folks this is me talking now, could not the same be said for Hepatitis C!!!   AND YET  ONLY $30.4 MILLION FOR HEPATITIS C?

According to a report released under the title "The Death Toll is Rising" in the paper the US News, Surgeon General Satcher stated that health care for Hepatitis C cost's more than 600 million annually.  AND YET 30.4 MILLION FOR HEPATITIS C ?

HIV Vaccine Awareness Day of May 18, 2000 reports
28 different experimental vaccines to prevent HIV.

Chicago, 10 November 1998, The American Association for the study of Liver Disease's announced, "By 2008, current case's of chronic Hepatitis C would result in a 61% increase of cirrhosis, a 279% increase in patients with severe circulatory problems, a 68% increase in chronic Hepatitis C, a 528% increase in the need for liver transplants, and a 223% increase in liver related death's." There are currently 10,000 on the transplant list for 'new ' livers, yet only 4,000 organs available.  AND YET $30.4 MILLION FOR  HEPATITIS C ?

In former surgeon general C. Everett Koop's congressional testimony in 1998, he stated, "We need a coordinated federal effort that reaches across the relevant agencies and identifies activities that can be significant in training physicians, raising public awareness, and seeking out target populations for screening and treatment." He further stated, "I believe we have a 5-year window to identify and treat a significant proportion on the infected population if we are to head off the huge increase of liver disease I believe is ahead."

This article was writen by Mr. Bob Meyers and is sent through Frontline Hepatitis Awareness.  We at Frontline Hepatitis and Mr. Meyers in no way wish to cast as less serious the other diseases mentioned. We only to use them as a reference to show the serious under-funding for HCV.

Frontline Hepatitits is a National Non-Profit with state chairs.  We strive to raise awareness about this Hepatitis C or HCV situation in all ways possible.  We set up support groups for others with the virus and the newly diagnosed, we host symposiums and National rallies to raise attention to this health situation, we go into the streets to reach those who are the "forgotten" members of society who are very ill and thus need to be taught harm reduction, we go into the Correctional setting where possible.  Please read and respond to this by initiating legislation for the increased funding
of this volatile situation which involves so many of us in the United States and Globally.  The Veterans monies allocated needs to be getting where it is needed right now, not tied up in the bureaucratic entanglement.  Thank you for reading this and more important  please get moving on this health issue NOW, not LATER please.

Ane K. Palmo
Frontline Hepatitis Founder

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