Hey Lloyd,
My name is C.O., I found out I Had hep c on 1-13-06 from a routine blood test for a physical. My ast was 52, alt 87, hep c antibodies was reactive and the signal to cut off was 20. My doc. suggested I see a gastroenterolist, so I did. Before my appointment date came up I started looking up hep c on the internet, because I knew nothing at all about hep c, and your book came up ( THANK GOD ) from my short experience with hep c I can tell my regular md. didn't know shit about it !!!! He does now , lol, but won't fully commit to your book , but does agree with alot of it ( It's hard to argue with facts ).
Anyway , I went to the liver doc.on 1-28-06 , one of two that was recommended, had no choice really because one DIDN`T take cash patiences, you believe that shit, guess he couldn't milk the insurance co. After being told the first visit was 225.00 dollars, I seen the doc. He looked at my test results , ask a few questions and told me my liver was still working fine because of the Albumin results, 4.0 , he did tell me about my options for a cure, ( I was already holding a interferon pamplet in my hand from the waiting room ) , I did't mention your book to him , and here's what he said... ( to my surprise )..
Mr. O, the interferon treatments are really expensive ( 18 to 20,000 dollars ) and there is only a 50% chance they will work , that I could try some milk thistle, vitamin A , E and some antioxiant boosters and to come back in a year to see him, A YEAR!!!! |
He never said how much to take or how often or shit ,,, At this time I had only had time to browse through your book and did't know anything about FERRITIN LEVELS or VIRAL LOAD TEST , or anything else from page 247 to page 250 , undoubtably the doc. didn't either, but I believe he didn't give a shit because I didn't have insurance he could milk !!!! So after I read your book from cover to cover ( alot of it 2 or 3 times ) I made an appointment with my regular cough and cold doctor and I brought your book with me also, I had all the test from page 247 to 250 highlighted, I sat down with him and insisted that I wanted all the test run and also the original test run again, I also had a print out of herbs and vitamins from your pharmacy that I had just began taking , I also ask him to read your book , he agreed to do so then looked at my herb list and said that he couldn't advise me on any of it, because the FDA hadn't did any blind studies on them.
I immeditally responded , but they did studies on VIOXX and many other meds. that are killing people and law-suits are being filed on....he agreed ( what could he say ) ..but said , that in his opinion that for my age ( 44 ) and in good health that I should let those " Liver Boys " ( his exact words ) give me the interferon treatments , that usually only old unhealthy people have bad side effects , but that he knew it was expensive. I told him it wasn't about the money and that I would be back from the bank in 30 min. with 20 grand if he could assure me the treatments would work and that I didn't even care if they had bad side effects, well of course he started crawfishing and told me he would order the test I wanted . He actually had to copy the viral load test abbreviations out of your book!!!!!!
My viral load was 519000 , I asked for a specific #, but on the results it don't say PCR HCV RNA , it says HCV RNA QUANTITATIVE 519000 H ( is this the right test ??? ) Ferritin was 724 ( real high ). ALF was 6.5 (0.4 out of range ).
So I'm getting a abdominal ultra sound on 3-21-06 . AST was 53 ( up 1 from 1-13-06 ) . ALT was 101 ( up 14 from 1-13-06 ). The last test were done on 2-24-06. All other results were in range or good.. I found a blood center in my town that does phlebotomies but has to have a prescription to do them. I'm going ! to try and get my old faithful cold and cough doc. to give me a prescription to do them, when I have the ultra sound done at his office, I know I have to get the FERRITIN to normal before I can expect anything else to get lower. The only reason I know this is because of YOU & YOUR BOOK , and I'm grateful there is someone like you still in this world that will take his BALLS in his hand and stand up to all the bureaucratic bull-shit and the billion $ a year pill pushers and doctors that are brain washing all the weak minded people with T.V. commercials and magazine ads.
Lloyd, I started taking IP-6 ( 6 PER DAY ), AND drinking milk thistle TEA and dandelion TEA , I have one question , will it hurt to mix it with orange juice or something,,man that shit has a nasty bitter taste ...lol...???
Thanks for everything your doing!!!!!!
Picayune, MS.
Dear Lloyd,
I read your book (and several others about Hepatitis C) and just received your minimal program today. When I placed my order the helpful staff person told me I could fax my blood tests and you would go over them and advise me further. I wish I could afford to buy a more expensive program but my funds won't allow for that at the present time. I am really interested in your thoughts on my situation. If it would be that much more beneficial to step up to a higher program, maybe I could save some money somehow.
Anyway, I go to the Liver Center at St. Francis every 3 months. Did the interferon thing from mid-December 2004 to mid-March 2005. They took me off of it because they said my numbers weren't improving enough. I am glad though because it is amazing how much it changes every aspect of your body emotionally and physically (for the worst).
Last November 2005 my internal MD suggested I try an herbal approach and said to start taking Bupleurum daily which I did. Then I started buying books and looking for better answers when I found your book. Today when I went to the Liver MD (Nurse practitioner actually, the head guy Dr. Naoki Tsai is always too busy for us regulars) she made a comment when she read that I was taking an herb supplement. "They highly frown upon herbs because " they haven't been tested enough". After that comment I wasn't about to reveal my plan about your treatment to her. They will just have to see that my numbers have improved (hopefully) when I go back in 3 months. What if any improvements can I hope to gain from the minimal program?
I have changed my diet completely since January 1 and am amazed at how good I feel. I buy only organic and don't eat meat anymore. I exercise 5 days a week, treadclimber and alternate days of weight workouts. I am really trying to do everything I can to improve my situation. I don't have any really bad symptoms like a lot of the people in your books but it is important to me to do everything I can.
I appreciate you taking your time to help me out. You have inspired me even further with your story.
Mahalo, Susan B .
Dear Lloyd,
I recently came upon your book, i was going to say by accident but i don't believe to much in accidents. I am only on page 66 but i know already your book is a gift. On the off chance that your treatment for Hep C doesn't work and i already believe it will it was so wonderful to have some verbalize the frustration of dealing with the medical field. I am a single mom with RP (retinitis pigmentosa), so legally blind, have Hep C, Had B and now have the anti body for that.
Being poor certainly adds to the level of treatment you get. I've had so many experiences with doctors who "know it all" never take into account the fact that I am a fairly intelligent woman with a very good sense of holistic health practices. Unfortunately i am one of the people who contracted Hep from IV use. You think you get treated bad with the other stuff all going on try throwing that one in the mix.
I just really wanted to thank you expressing your experiences and feelings and sharing them. Apparently this book was written several years ago so my prayers are with you that you are still in good health.
Thank you again Dawn H .
First let me say thank you for carrying out this research,
I am 38 years old and have had Hep C for the last 12 years.
My ALT's are in excess of 200 and I am not feeling very well
at all. I received your book the other day and haven't put
it down since. In 1998 I completed a 6 month Combination Therapy
of Interferon and riboviron and as I found out in your book
the same thing happened to me as everyone else in that once
I stopped the treatment the virus returned.
A couple of Months ago I was selected ( lucky me ) for the
Peg-Intron trail they are running in Queensland Australia.
Well after reading your book I now know what to tell them
when they ring for my next appointment. I'm never going to
go through that again, this time they wanted me to stay on
the poison for 18 Months, ( that would kill me ). Since completing
my last course in 1998 I have been in a dark place, my wife
is a very strong person who has stuck with me battling my
depression and alcohol abuse since starting interferon. I
don't know what bad effect I have had on my two very young
children but it can't be good.
Anyway since reading your book I have a new lease on life,
there is a big giant light at the end of this very dark tunnel
and its called Lloyd.
My question is that I want to get started asap and I want
to know where to start and is it financially better for my
to order my cure through you or should I try to source these
vitamins in Australia?
Thanks again Lloyd you are the closest thing to GOD that I
have at the moment.
Bless you.
Dear Lloyd,
I am an African man of 54 years of age. I was diagnosed of
Hepatitis C in January. Before that I did not know that I
had this disease. What led to this diagnosis was that my liver
function left a lot to be desired though I had no symptoms
like tiredness and things like that.
GOT was about 60 - whatever that means. The doctor
was talking of frightful costs and side effects of interferon.
I was very scared.
After that, I delved into the internet and came across your
website and bought your books. Initially, I was skeptical
about your story but after trying both the Minimal
and the Level
3 Progams, I am now absolutely convinced that the efforts
you invested into this previously uncharted territory is paying
dividends through helping other people like me.
I would go to the ends of the earth to tell your story to
other people.
May God the Fountain of life give you long life to help those
who are who intimidated by doctors.
Go forth companion - the way forward shall glimmer in the
Best Regards,
T. M.
Hello Mr. Wright,
I am just sitting here in a state of awe, after reading
and rereading your book.
First I just can't believe that after your transfusion in
1979, that it took until 1993 for you to finally find out
that you were in fact infected with hep. C. Then
on Oct. 5th 2001, ALT 13, AST 17 is just absolutely amazing!
I must admit that I consider myself a very intelligent person
and that this diagnosis has plunged me into an all consuming
search for some kind of cure. After learning about interferon
I was just appalled at how this 'menace' is being prescribed
by people who really just have no idea what there really doing
to people. NO! We are not living in the dark ages.
After reading several books before yours, and learning
that it is incurable, I had lost all hope and simply began
planning my demise.
Now I am filled with optimism and even a sense of wonder
in learning about the various herbs and products that are
going to help me in my recovery. I must say that you
are TRULY DIVINE. It must have been an enormous task
to compile all these various plants and medicines into a working
program that has actually cured people.
I was very excited when you replied to my e-mail, and the
more I investigate what these products will actually be doing
to me, the closer I feel to a sense of godhead.
So lets begin: I have just been diagnosed on 10/02/03.
= 151 |
= 40 |
= 54 |
I noticed your ALK was never higher than 115. Should I be
concerned about this? What is GGTP? I know my
numbers are relatively low right now. But if I don't
begin a program soon I know those numbers could skyrocket.
You see I'm the type of person who is very sensitive
to disease and illness. That's the only way I can explain
it. But on the other hand I also have a very high tolerance
to medicine. So lets say what you would take one of
and have a great effect, I would need 5. That
is why I feel that This disease is going to kick my ass -
quick. Also I feel that I am going to need to be on
a "HULK" program to win this battle. But it
seems that you have more expertise in treatment, and I am
hoping that you could guide me on the best possible course
of treatment right now. In my mind I feel that
I need every product available in the remedy. Now heres
the funny part. I was just laid off from work three
months ago so it is going to take just a little bit of time
before I can afford what I want.
I knew something was wrong with me this year. I have days
that I can barely get out of bed, and my hyetal hernia is
always acting up. Some-
thing that hasn't flared up in years.
I know I am not nearly as sick as the trauma you endured.
But we both know what is just right over the horizon, and
I am truly afraid for my very life. I am 40 years old
with a seven year old daughter. My wife has made
it very explicit that our relationship is changed forever
I figure that it is going to cost me between 600 to 700 dollars
every other month, maybe more. I can afford about half
that right now. So I am
anxiously waiting what your recommendation is for me right
I thank you so much for any time and effort you extend for
Please tell me I am not going to be dead in 8 months.
I had so many plans for the future...
From a truly grateful friend. May GOD be with us all.
R. G.
Order The Book!
18, 2003
Dear Lloyd,
Since receiving your books (just yesterday)
and spending time on your website, I feel like I have to join
in this fight against the toxic medical practices in the world.
I have decided to study holistic healing and acupuncture.
I have already applied to Emperor's College and I thank
you for the inspiration. If you have any suggestions
as to good natural healing
schools, I would be grateful for your input. The help
and elightnment you have provided for so many is very moving
(and reassuring).
Love and peace,
13, 2001
At last, here is a humanitarian author who
isn't afraid to generously give us an effective alternative
treatment plan for conquering an insidious illness. It can be
done! What's more, I can't praise this book highly enough for
the honesty and loving concern it offers to Hepatitis C
sufferers and their family and friends. Mr. Wright deeply
cares about eradicating this disease and helping its victims
get back on the right track to good health. For those of us
who have been "the doctor route" and become
disillusioned with America's money-oriented healthcare system,
Triumph Over Hepatitis C extends a huge dose of comfort
and support. Better still, the book recommends a viable
alternative treatment plan for a major viral epidemic,
something that has so far stumped our show-and-tell, high-tech
medical "experts". Further, Mr. Wright's forthright
style of communicating speaks to the reader's heart. It is a
welcome relief from waiting in the doctor's office, knowing
that the "family physician" is only interested in
communicating with your pocketbook.
By sharing Mr. Wright's own shocking,
near-death personal experiences, we readers can better
understand what motivated him to seek and seek and obsess
until he put together a nutritional health formula that worked
for him. Now he is "Hepatitis C Free", the ideal
name for his website. And he has the goodness of heart to want
to share his health formula with the world; not everyone would
be unselfish enough to bother. Why, it's enough to make you
take the power back and know that YOU can be your own best
doctor!! After voraciously reading Mr. Wright's book, I will
never again let a physician tell me "there is no
cure" for anything. I am amazed that this man who has
been through so much of his own intense personal suffering can
be so upbeat and dedicated. It is a humbling reminder to us
all never to take good health for granted.
Mr. Wright's unequivocal desire to help
people rid themselves of this disease gives us all hope that
we can rise up and decide which healthcare treatment is best
for us, without being intimidated by what doctors tell us and
expect us to take as unquestionable law. I do not personally
have Hepatitis C, but I am vitally concerned with the sick
state of our American healthcare system, pardon the oxymoron.
And I do have a couple of friends with the disease, friends
who are hungry for alternative treatment solutions, friends
who are frightened of the devastating side effects of the
"new and improved" drugs on the market, drugs that
keep the stock market alive more than patients.
Mr. Wright's book is well balanced in that
it touches on the many repercussions of battling this socially
unacceptable disease, such as trying to sustain a livelihood,
dealing with the social stigma and ignorance, and maintaining
a sense of humor and determination through it all. That's
another thing: Mr. Wright's delicious sense of humor will
sneak up on you just when you think you are in the pits of
Hepatitis-C hell.
Bravo!! More, more! I am eager to see how
this all comes out. Triumph Over Hepatitis C and the
people who read it are part of an alternative healthcare
movement that could cause a big avalanche! WARNING: This book
could be good for your health.
Order The Book!
Sunday Malibu Newspaper'
26, 2001
Robin Hemingway
Normally books on
Alternative Medicine are boringly written, although they
profess to tell you something that is good for you and your
body. This book, however, after the obligatory forewords,
begins like a Hunter S. Thompson ('Fear & Loathing In Las
Vegas') tract of frightening dimensions and slowly, slowly
levels out into a Dr. Feelgood text that anyone who has ever
experienced the pain & suffering of Hepatitis 'C'
sufferers at close range (if not one themselves), can benefit
Wright relates
how a severe accident & the blood transfusions thereafter
resulted in him contracting the deadly Hepatitis 'C' - His
list of the illnesses & maladies to follow, kicking in
like falling dominoes, reads like a 'Who's Who' of Nightmare.
His accident (read the book for details), which occurred in
Malibu in 1979, was the beginning of a trip into the Black
Hole of incompetent doctors and well-meaning nurses who didn't
know themselves what they were looking for that would make him
well again. Tested for Hepatitis 'C' in July 1991 (the
conclusive tests to determine the existence of Hepatitis 'C'
in a person's body were only achieved in September of 1991!),
his results were negative. Still trying to rid himself of a
baffling sickness, in 1994 he made regular weekly visits to a
blood bank where his blood was sucked out and supposedly
discarded as toxic waste. Murphy's Law kicked in, and this
discarded blood mistakenly appeared one day on a shelf with
donation blood and was randomly tested. The blood bank sent
him a form letter two months(!) later, saying they could no
longer accept his blood for donations (!) because he had
Hepatitis 'C!'
Lloyd Wright has
changed his food consumption and lifestyle considerably since
1994. The result has been his saving himself from
almost-certain death. In his book he lists the elements (Milk
Thistle, Live Cell Therapy, Cats Claws, Dandelion Root, Aloe
Vera, Licorice Root, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Reishi Mushrooms,
etc.) which saved his life, and warns against items which
could take (Hospitals - The 8th leading cause of Death in
America!) your life. The book is available through Barnes
& Noble, amazon.com or Lloyd Wright Publishing, P.O. Box
6347, Malibu, California 90264. There is a toll-free
telephone: 1-877-676-1615. If no one answers, you hear a young
woman's voice that says, "Welcome to Hepatitis-C-Free,
your Alternative Medicine Pharmacy. We are probably on the
Pushing the pocket
bigger, Lloyd Wright has been invited to speak at the 29th
Annual Cancer Conference to present his views on Alternative
Medicine, his results and present several of his 'clients',
who will also be in attendance. To be held at Universal City's
Universal-Sheraton Hotel over the Labor Day Weekend (1,2,3
September 2001, $25. daily), Wright's findings are sure to
open up some previously closed eyes, ears and minds.
The Book!
15, 2001
It is
not often that one is fortunate enough to be helped and guided
by someone whose intentions are truly altruistic and from
the heart. I feel blessed to have stumbled upon Lloyd Wright's
book and now have even more confidence in its healing suggestions
after having met the author myself.
Having 'procured' the Hepatitis C virus from a blood transfusion
at age 13, I only discovered that I was carrying this deadly
killer in my blood, about a year ago at age 32. Not yet sick
enough to be tempted to even try the frightening Interferon,
I felt frozen and powerless in what I could possibly do. I
had avoided alcohol since diagnosed, yet my liver level enzymes
were still increasing way beyond normal. By chance, someone
handed me Lloyd Wright's book and feeling I should become
a bit more familiar with what I now have, I casually began
to read his words and soon found myself unable to put it down.
In fact, after finishing the book, I immediately phoned Mr.
Wright (even though it was 2:30 am!) because I felt certain
that from what I had just read, he could very well be my ticket
to health through a self-empowering, natural, positive healing
regimen. Despite his chaotic schedule of a life now entirely
devoted to helping others 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, he
kindly acquiesced after my insistance to come and see him
right away. I found Lloyd Wright to be a beacon of light;
he has spent more energy, time and effort educating himself
fully on all aspects and all treatments for Hepatitis C. Rarely
do we meet people such as Lloyd, who truly know what they
are doing and care enough to help others. He is a guide, an
angel, a healer and a gift to anyone who has Hepatitis C.
I have only just begun the treatment, but I can already feel
a new energy, a positive perspective and I have total faith
in what he prescribes. Additionally, the herbs he recommends
are organic, beneficial and life-enhancing... where's the
harm? There is none. Only a journey to health.
The Book!
from Covington, Tennessee
June 22, 2001
Reading Triumph Over Hepatitis C has given me a whole new outlook
on life and a new life. In Dec. 2000 I was diagnosed with Hep
C. I was fatigued, depressed, confused and losing my hair. I
went for a check up and sent to a liver specialist. My Liver
Specialist? Said the only successful treatment was interferon.
He explained the treatment, the dreadful side effects and the
high rate of recurrence of the disease. Not encouraging at all!
He suggested as I was only experiencing mild symptoms at this
point to come back to see him in 6 months, unless symptoms worsened.
Well, he was the specialist after all, so I decided to wait
and see what this silent killer was going to do to my body.
In May 2001 I began researching the web for a cure for my
prostrate cancer as I heard there were alternative treatments
to surgery. I came across P C Spes and Lloyd Wrights Website
hepatitiscfree.com. Of course I checked it out. I ordered
the book and started taking some of the suggested herbal supplements
and modifying my diet. I began noticing a difference within
a week of the way I felt. I had follow-up blood work done June
14, 2001. My Hep C viral load by PCR dropped 400,000 points,
my GGT has dropped 60 points, my ALT dropped 11 points and my
iron serum level has dropped 78 points. This in less than one
month of only taking some of the supplements that help your
body produce its own natural interferon. I highly recommend,
first, if you have not been tested for Hep C to get tested,
it is a rapid growing epidemic, and second research this disease
and read this book. Our so-called liver specialist knows little
about this silent killer. As I said, it has changed my life.
I am no longer tired all the time, I am sleeping through the
night, my thought processes are clearer, and Im no longer losing
my hair. I am looking forward to my next blood test. Get this
book and start your recovery today!
The Book!
Taken from Amazon.com book reviews, June 22 2001.