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The Thymus Gland is a small gland in the upper chest. It weighs 1/3 - 1/2 half ounce at birth, and reaches its peak weight of about 17 ounces at puberty. Thereafter, under the influence of many factors, including adrenal and sex hormones, the active thymus gland cells begin to die off, with much of the thymus gland tissue being gradually replaced by fat and connective tissue.

Much of the healthy thymus gland structure typically atrophies by age 20, and the decline accelerates throughout life thereafter. As immunologist Keith Kelly notes: "The involution (shrinkage) of the thymus gland is one of the cardinal bio-markers of aging." In the past 40 years, science has discovered that the thymus gland is the key regulator of immunity.

Collectively, thymus gland hormones have been shown, in human, animal and in vitro studies, to have a broad range of action, well beyond merely maturing and differentiating T cells. These hormones can prevent the tissue wasting that occurs with thymus gland removal or severe thymus gland atrophy, and promote healthy weight gain in disease states- such as AIDS - where catabolic body wasting is typical. The thymus gland hormones can reduce autoimmune reactions, clinically and experimentally, such as occur in rheumatoid arthritis.

Thymus gland hormones also prevent the bone marrow injury and subsequent reduction in white and red blood cell production, frequently produced by X-ray or chemotherapy cancer treatment.

Thymus Gland

As cellular physiologist Dennis Fahy has noted:

If you restore immune function, your ability to make DNA, to have normal cell division, to have normal insulin sensitivity, to have normal thyroid levels and other things, such as normal population of certain molecules in the brain that change with age, all these things are restored by an improvement in the immune system.

Since thymus gland hormones are secreted by the very thymus gland cells that "shrivel up" and waste away due to aging, stress, disease, radiation and malnutrition, etc., the drop in thymus gland hormone activity with aging should hardly be surprising.

Although it is not well known, even to most alternative/ anti-aging medicine devotees, there is a large body of published, human clinical research supporting the use of oral thymus gland extracts. They have been used in a broad range of conditions, ranging from cancer treatment, to rheumatoid arthritis, to various allergy and asthma conditions, to recurrent respiratory infections and hepatitis. (11)

These studies have generally shown thymus gland extracts to be extremely non-toxic and side effect free, with few contraindications for use.

The main block to the acceptance of the efficacy of oral thymus gland extracts is the erroneous yet widespread belief that all proteins and peptides taken orally, as food or supplements, are 100% digested to individual amino acids before absorption, from the intestine into the body.

If this were true, then indeed orally administered thymus gland peptide hormone extracts would be broken down completely during digestion, becoming merely very expensive, low dose amino acid supplements, with no more immune activity than (for example) a few hundred milligrams of ground beef protein. Yet it has been known since the 1970's that significant quantities of various proteins, such as gliadin from wheat, milk casein, Ferritin, hemoglobin and milk immunoglobins routinely survive digestion and enter the body - and even the brain - intact.

The pioneering research of W.A. Hemmings and Ziovdrov and others had repeatedly demonstrated this by the late 1970's in a wide variety of experiments using many different proteins. (12, 33)

In the 1997 textbook Oxidology, Bradford and Allen even explain the mechanism of how this occurs. It is based on a cellular process called "pinocytosis." (44)

The thymus gland creates the T-4 "helper" white blood cells that perform their specialized job in the human body of locating invaders such as viruses, bacteria, or abnormal cells. The thymus gland also sends out the T-8 "killer" white blood cells to find invaders and destroy them.

Natcell Thymus
Natcell Thymus Spray

People with advanced liver pathology will feel better after practicing the recommendations in this book. However, they may not completely reverse the path of the hepatitis C virus unless they incorporate the most aggressive treatment that delivers the best possible results: NatCell™ frozen thymus extract.

Enough cannot be said about live peptide thymus extract, which feeds the immune system what it needs to kill the hepatitis C virus. There are many forms of thymus: pills, liquid, natural, and artificial. These different products range from worthless to terrific.

I attribute most of the successful eradication of hepatitis C from my body as a direct result of consuming several thousand dollars of this product in eighteen months. Keep in mind that I had to pay as much as $600 a box to obtain thymus extract from doctors. I provide this same item for less than $140. I took one frozen vial every other day. I thawed it in my hand, poured one half vial under my tongue, and held it for five minutes, and repeat. If I could afford it, I would take it the rest of my life. If Cortez had found the fountain of youth, this could have been how he felt.

I advise against taking cheaper products. One example is Thymoic Protein A, a product listed in Health and Healing, March 1997 (15). I took this product post-healing, and I did not notice the jolt or feeling of well-being associated with the natural form. I question whether or not Thymic Protein A is effective, as it contains only one of the seven main properties of the thymus gland.

Be warned, some of these products will not dissolve in water, even after an entire month. These pass through you completely and into the toilet. If you have hepatitis C, you need NatCell™ thymus extract!

Natcell Logo

Thymic hormones and their downstream cell products (such as interleukins and interferons) control all of the phases of maturation, development, antigen commitment, proliferation and cytotoxic activity of the various T cells. Thymic hormones also stimulate non-specific phagocytic and cytotoxic cells to respond against foreign or "non-self" antigens.

Liver diseases, including chronic hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis, have been successfully treated by thymus extract. Results of a study using 102 patients with chronic hepatitis and primary biliary cirrhosis showed an increase in T lymphocytes, increased functional activity of mononuclear cells (increased chemotaxis and inhibition), and decreased immunoglobulin counts. All of these indicators signify an increased competence, which favors controlling the immunoinflammatory process in the liver and a normalization of the clinical manifestation of the disease leading to a favorable outcome. (16)

These results are important not only for successful treatment of a very difficult disease, which frequently has an unfavorable outcome, but also for the implications for treatment of hepatitis produced by other causes. Viruses, fungi, or mycobacteria (tuberculosis) cause many of the inflammatory conditions of the liver. (17) Cellular immunity is the chief defense against these agents. Successful treatment using thymus extract suggests many exciting possibilities for treatment of the presently untreatable ailments of the liver using immunomodulating substances such as thymus extracts.

During my treatment I took ...
1 vial of NatCell thymus every other day for 18 months.
I also took 2 thymus capsules 3 times per day.

Live Protein Therapy
in the Management of Liver Disease

by Thomas Bayne, DC

What it is and what it does.

An International Literature Review of Clinical Studies (HTML version)

An International Literature Review of Clinical Studies (PDF version)


A Novel Approach to Thymus (PDF)


Thymus Clinical Trials (PDF)

Due to the recent problem with the madcow disease, the FDA has inspected and cleared our Natcell products for sale.
FDA Clearance No. 110-3122937-2


Certified MadCow Free

Thymus Products Now Available
   Lloyd's Thymus 

Lloyd's TLM
Natcell Thymus
Natcell Thymus Spray
Thymus - Organic Glandular - by Allergy Research Group


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